The primary activity of the institute are thematically focused quarters which will coordinate graduate course work, visiting predoctoral fellows, workshops, and external visitors.
Are you either a current participant or someone looking to participate in the special quarters? Find out more about joining in on the participate page.

Fall 2022
IDEAL Special Quarter on Data Economics
As data science transforms science and society, it is important to develop the economics of data. Collecting data is costly, possessing data gives market power, sharing data has risks and benefits, conclusions from data depend on data quantity and quality. Topics include: valuing data, eliciting data, incentivizing data collection and sharing, adaptive data analysis, game theory with data.

Spring 2022
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Today, machine learning and data science deal with tremendous amounts of high-dimensional data. Processing these data requires extensive computational resources (these often include large CPU and GPU clusters). It is expected that the amount of collected and analyzed data will grow significantly in the coming years.

Spring 2020
Inference and Data Science on Networks
March 30 – June 6, 2020
Over the past decade or so, many diverse communities have become increasingly interested in networks as a way of understanding the role of interconnections between various entities.

Fall 2020
Theory of Deep Learning
September 15 – December 12, 2020
Deep learning plays a central role in the recent revolution of artificial intelligence and data science. In a wide range of applications, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics, deep learning achieves dramatic performance improvements over existing baselines and even human.

Spring 2021
Data Science and Law
March 30 – June 6, 2021
Law, like many disciplines, finds itself grappling with the theoretical foundations of computation and data science. Algorithms, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are being used in legal-services delivery, governments, and courts, which are moving online. At the same time, law faces the challenge of keeping pace with emerging technologies and the proliferation of ethics principles. Effective law, regulation, and policy can help guide the design, development, and use of emerging technologies to minimize the potential risks and maximize the potential benefits for society.

Fall 2021
Robustness in High-dimensional Statistics and Machine Learning
Today’s data pose unprecedented challenges to statisticians and data analysts. It may be incomplete, corrupted, or exposed to some unknown source of contamination. We need new methods and theories to grapple with these challenges.